NombreMoreno Casablanca, Rocío
DepartamentoMatemática Aplicada II
Área de conocimientoMatemática Aplicada
Categoría profesionalProfesora Ayudante Doctora
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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A comprehensive approach for discrete resilience of complex networks

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Criado Herrero, Regino; Mesa López-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Romance, Miguel (AIP Publishing, 2023)
The research and use of the term resilience in various types of technological, physiological, and socioeconomic systems ...

The maximum average connectivity among all orientations of a graph

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Dankelmann, Peter; Goddard, Wayne; Mol, Lucas; Oellermann, Ortrud R. (Springer, 2021)
For distinct vertices u and v in a graph G, the connectivity between u and v, denoted κG(u,v), is the maximum number of ...

Average connectivity of minimally 2-connected graphs and average edge-connectivity of minimally 2-edge-connected graphs

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Mol, Lucas; Oellermann, Ortrud R. (Elsevier, 2021)
Let G be a (multi)graph of order n and let u, v be vertices of G. The maximum number of internally disjoint u–v paths in ...

Characterizing slope regions

González Díaz, Rocío; Batavia, Darshan; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Kropatsch, Walter G. (Springer, 2021)
This paper provides a theoretical characterization of monotonically connected image surface regions, called slope regions. ...

Congratulations! Dual Graphs are Now Orientated!

Batavia, Darshan; Kropatsch, Walter G.; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; González Díaz, Rocío (Springer, 2019)
A digital image can be perceived as a 2.5D surface consisting of pixel coordinates and the intensity of pixel as height ...

On the Space Between Critical Points

Kropatsch, Walter G.; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Batavia, Darshan; González Díaz, Rocío (Springer, 2019)
The vertices of the neighborhood graph of a digital picture P can be interpolated to form a 2-manifold M with critical ...

Computing and reducing slope complexes

Kropatsch, Walter G.; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Batavia, Darshan; González Díaz, Rocío (Springer, 2019)
In this paper we provide a new characterization of cell de- composition (called slope complex) of a given 2-dimensional ...

Distance and Eccentric sequences to bound the Wiener index, Hosoya polynomial and the average eccentricity in the strong products of graphs

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Dankelmann, Peter (Elsevier, 2019)
This paper is concerned with the strong product of two graphs, and , and bounds on the Wiener index, Hosoya polynomial ...

Counting slope regions in the surface graphs

Batavia, Darshan; Kropatsch, Walter G.; González Díaz, Rocío; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío (TUGraz OPEN Library, 2019)
The discrete version of a continuous surface sampled at optimum sampling rate can be well expressed in form of a neighborhood ...

On Generalized 3-Connectivity of the Strong Product of Graphs

Abajo Casado, María Encarnación; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Diánez Martínez, Ana Rosa; García Vázquez, Pedro (University of Belgrade, 2018)
Let G be a connected graph with n vertices and let k be an integer such that 2 k n. The generalized connectivity k(G) ...

Superconnectivity of Networks Modeled by the Strong Product of Graphs

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Cera López, Martín; García Vázquez, Pedro; Valenzuela Tripodoro, Juan Carlos (University of Belgrade, 2015)
Maximal connectivity and superconnectivity in a network are two important features of its reliability. In this paper, using ...
Tesis Doctoral

Reliability of networks modelled by graph products

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Diánez Martínez, Ana Rosa; García Vázquez, Pedro (2014)
A general purpose in Graph Theory is to describe any graph structure and provide all the information about it as possible. ...

Average distance in the strong product of graphs

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Favaron, Odile; Kouider, Mekkia (Utilitas Mathematica Publishing, 2014)

On average connectivity of the strong product of graphs

Abajo Casado, María Encarnación; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Diánez Martínez, Ana Rosa; García Vázquez, Pedro (Elsevier, 2013)
The average connectivity κ(G) of a graph G is the average, over all pairs of vertices, of the maximum number of internally ...

The Menger number of the strong product of graphs

Abajo Casado, María Encarnación; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Diánez Martínez, Ana Rosa; García Vázquez, Pedro (Elsevier, 2013)
The xy-Menger number with respect to a given integer ℓ, for every two vertices x, y in a connected graph G, denoted by ...

Gromov hyperbolicity in strong product graphs

Carballosa, Walter; Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Cruz, Amauris de la; Rodríguez, José M. (E-JC, 2013)
If X is a geodesic metric space and x1; x2; x3 2 X, a geodesic triangle T = fx1; x2; x3g is the union of the three geodesics ...

Toughness of the corona of two graphs

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Diánez Martínez, Ana Rosa; García Vázquez, Pedro (Taylor and Francis, 2011)
The toughness of a non-complete graph G = (V , E) is defined as τ (G) = min{|S|/ω(G − S)}, where the minimum is taken over ...

On the vulnerability of some families of graphs

Moreno Casablanca, Rocío; Diánez Martínez, Ana Rosa; García Vázquez, Pedro (Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2010)
The toughness of a noncomplete graph G is defined as τ (G) = min{|S|/ω(G − S)}, where the minimum is taken over all cutsets S ...